Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substance (PFAS) removal using SiC membranes with PAC

A lot of literature describe how Powdered Activated Carbon (PAC), or Submicron PAC (SPAC) combined with ceramic membrane filtration can remove PFAS from ground- and surface waters.
The dominant treatment process has been to continuously dose PAC/SPAC in the feed water and slowly allow for the absorption process to happen until the PAC reached the ceramic membrane and is backwashed away.

A new process has has now been introduced where PAC is pre-coated on the SiC membrane forcing all the PFAS contaminated water through the pre-coat layer sitting on the SiC substrate providing improved removal efficiency of not only PFAS short- & long chain molecules but also other dissolved organic compounds such as DMS pesticides, color, etc.

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Sebastian Andreassen