Aquarden has developed new treatment concept for Aquaculture using Cembrane

An increasing number of Fish farms are moving from sea to land. This means water must be treated for bacteria, & other harmful substances before it can come in contact with the fish.
Aquarden has developed a new process treating raw seawater ensuring sterile water reaches the fish, with a simple process chain consisting of:

Raw Sea Water — Coagulation — Cembrane SiC Ceramic membranes — UV — Fish tanks

To ensure water entering the fish is free of bacteria, an in-line sensor ensures bacteria are detected before the water reaches the fish. So far ZERO bacteria detected during 6 months of piloting.
Similarly, an inline iron sensor ensures Iron from the coagulation process, does not contaminate the water.

The ceramic membrane modules are made from plastic without any steel, in drinking water certified material. This ensures no corrosion of the material over time in seawater. In addition, the modules are equipped with integrated spraying of the membranes, which enables chemical cleaning of the membranes on the dirty side of the water. Ensuring no chemicals reach the clean water side.

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Project SafeInWater

Sebastian Andreassen